11 January 2013

Lowongan Kerja APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited)

APRIL’s fully-integrated operations in Indonesia range from plantations and forestry, R&D, to pulp and paper mills, including the provision of private access roads and jetty facilities. Its business operations are strategically located-- close to the major ports of Singapore and Shanghai for swift distribution of its products to the world markets. In Indonesia, APRIL is in the middle of the island of Sumatra, where conditions are ideal for the fast growth of acacia which provides the raw material for pulp production.

Our power plant is the subsidy of the pulp and paper mill with the total installed capacity of 550MW, supplying the power, steam, and other utilities to the mill operation.  Power Plant comprises 3 Power Boilers, 7 Steam Turbines, 4 Recovery Boilers, Evaporation Plant, connected  water treatment and fuel handling plans.

Further information about APRIL, please visit : www.aprilasia.com

Power Plant Maintenance Manager
(Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau)

    Effectively manage the Mechanical maintenance department of the Power Plant with the proactive approach ensure optimum performance and reliability of boiler, turbines, and other machineries though effective implementation, corrective, preventative, and predictive maintenance programs procedures by thorough work planning process
    Effectively manage the plant to comply with all safety, ISO, and OSHAS requirements and ensure Operation Risks are effectively managed to full fill requirements of insurance and protect assets
    Be a team player to coordinate maintenance and operation department a, supporting the operational requirements by planning and execution of all assigned maintenance activities during on-line and off-line outages.
    Effectively communicate with inter/intra department personnel, OEM and expert consultants wherever required and maximizes the utilization of new technology
    Achieve financial objectives by preparing annual maintenance and plant project capital budgets; scheduling; expenditures; analyzing variances and initiating corrective action for effective control.
    Succession planning, supervisor development and training of subordinates (DPL Programs)
    Provide a strong Platform for continuous improvement, energy/cost conservation initiatives and human skill development program

    Bachelor or Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering
    Having 10 years experience in  Mechanical Maintenance with at least 3 years in management level
    Advanced understanding and sound Knowledge all sections of medium sized Cogeneration Power Plant comprising of Power boilers, steam turbines and solid fuel handling
    Sound understanding of Maintenance programs, Preventive Maintenance requirements for power boilers, recovery boilers, steam and gas turbines, air compressors, water treatment and demin plants, evaporation plant, rotating equipment like pumps and fans, conveyors, etc.  Knowledge on computer based maintenance programs (SAP/MINCOM)
    Knowledge of  steam turbines operation and maintenance requirements.
    Environmental, health and safety requirements of power plant
    Willing to stay in Pangkalan Kerinci-Riau province, Sumatera, Indonesia

If you feel challenged to join us and meet the requirement, please send your resume soon to : recruitment_riau@aprilasia.com

Lowongan Kerja Asian Agri

We are an Indonesian-based, world class palm oil company that manages the archipelago’s abundant natural resources. To date, we have operations in 3 provinces in the Sumatra Island with 100,000 Ha of company managed plantation, and partners with smallholders operating 60,000 Ha of plantation – one of the biggest in Indonesia.

Palm oil is an extremely versatile product with uses ranging from food manufacturing and cooking to cosmetics, toiletries and lubricants. Increasingly, it is also used as biofuel providing an alternative to scarce oil resources.

Believing that production and use of palm oil must be done in a sustainable manner based on economic, social and environmental considerations, PT Inti Indosawit Subur, the flagship company of the Asian Agri Group, has served as a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) , a global multi-stakeholder initiative that promotes growth and use of sustainable palm oil.

You can visit our website at www.asianagri.com

Deputy R & D Head

    Able to plan and implement R & D strategy
    Coordinating research and transferring new technologies to improve and produce good palm oil quality
    Collaborate with other scientists to improve R & D result
    Self driven, reliable, determined, result oriented with positive outlook and clear focus on high performance

    Candidate must possess at least a Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Doctorate, Engineering (Bioengineering/Biomedical), BioTechnology or equivalent.
    At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
    Preferably CEO /GM / Director / Senior Managers specializing in Agriculture/Forestry/Fisheries or equivalent.
    Full-Time position(s) available.

If you are interested to join us, please submit your CV soon to :

Lowongan Kerja PT Asia Outsourcing Services

As the business landscape becomes increasingly complex and competitive, more companies are recognizing the need to focus on their competencies. Outsourcing non-core activities to expert providers has become an unparalleled strategy to control costs, maximize resource availability, and gain competitive advantage.

Asia Outsourcing Services (AOS), led and managed by experienced professionals who were forerunners in the outsourcing business in Indonesia, is the preferred partner for modern corporations and financial institutions who demand only the most professional and reliable outsourced services.

Look us up in www.aos.co.id

Marketing Officer
Pekanbaru (Riau), Batam (Kepulauan Riau), Padang (Sumatera Barat)
    Pria  / Wanita, Usia maksimum 30 thn
    min. D3 semua jurusan
    Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik
    Orientasi terhadap target penjualan
    Pekerja keras, berkomitmen, dan siap bekerja dalam tekanan

    Memasarkan produk Tabungan dan Pinjaman
    Membina dan Menjalin Hubungan Kerja dengan Nasabah agar meningkatkan Saldo Tabungan atau Pinjaman

    Gaji Pokok  Min UMR
    Asuransi Kesehatan yang  mengcover Keluarga

Jika anda berminat dan
sesuai dengan kriteria diatas, kirimkan Lamaran, CV dan photo
terbaru ke:

PT Asia Outsourcing Services  Cab. Pekanbaru
Kompleks Perkantoran Grand Sudirman Jl. Parit Indah No. B11
Tangkerang, Pekanbaru - Riau
Atau Email : illizalova.marly@aosmail.co.id

08 January 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Permata Energy Resources

PT Permata Energy Resources is a coal exploration and production group based in Indonesia (Sumatra and Kalimantan). The group has grown substantially and has been the largest privately owned coal mining company in Sumatera area. Currently, we are looking for young, energetic and dynamic professional candidates to join our team as position below

Logistic And Warehousing Staff
(Riau, Jambi, Kalimantan Timur)

    Support project need
    Manage all asset
    Manage Warehouse stock
    Manage distribution stock

    Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.
    At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
    Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Logistics/Supply Chain or equivalent.
    Full-Time position(s) available.

Please submit your application letter complete with CV, recently photograph to:
Email   to: recruitment@permataresources.com

Lowongan Kerja PT Global Indonesia Asia Sejahtera

PT Global Indonesia Asia Sejahtera, a global building materials company, to support its growth requires a candidate who has a high potential and dynamic personal to fill the position of :

Assist. of Head Acc & Tax
(Pekanbaru - Riau)

    Male, max 35 years old.
    Bachelor degree (S1) in Accounting, with GPA 3.00 (scale 4).
    Experienced at least 5 years in related field.
    Able to make tax report & planning tax.
    Able to make Tax Income, VAT Tax, & Monthly Report Tax.
    Strong computer skills with significant experience in Ms. Office & Internet.
    Able to work with tight dateline.
    Have good work motivation & commitment
    Will be placed inPekanbaru.

Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap dan CV terbaru ke alamat email:

Lowongan Kerja PT Multi Anugerah Tata Abadi

PT Multi Anugerah Tata Abadi adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak dibidang perkebunan kelapa sawit. Sehubungan dengan program ekspansi dan perkembangan kami yang pesat di Riau, Kab.Indragiri Hilir, kami mengundang para proffesional untuk bergabung bersama-sama mengembangkan karir di perkebunan sawit:

Assiten Land Clearing

    Menyusun rencana pembukaan lahan, di dalamnya termasuk budget dan mengorganisasi team untukmencapai target pembukaan areal dan penanaman yang telah ditergetkan oleh perusahaan
    Melakukan pengawasan, mengevaluasi dan membuat laporan atas pekerjaan yang dilakukan kontraktor.
    Menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan masyarakat sekitar
    Mengerti dan memahami sistem operasional unit excavator, buldozer, traktor dll

    Pria 25 – 38 Tahun
    Pendidikan  minimal D3/ S1 – Kehutanan / Ilmu Tanah / Pertanian
    Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidangnya
    Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai Land Clearing dan mampu membaca peta, pencitraan satelit
    Dapat Membuat laporan yang berkaitan dengan operasional land clearing, baik laporan yang bersifat wajib (harian, mingguan, dan bulanan) secara tepat waktu
    Mengerti dan memahami teknis land clearing perkebunan kelapa sawit
    Memiliki keterampilan administrasiyang baikdan  bisa menggunakan GPS dan mengoperasikan software GIS atau sejenisnya serta menguasai applikasi Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, etc).
    Dapat berkomunikasi,membina dan memberikan nasehat kepada tenaga kerja yang dibawah tanggung jawabnyadanmampu mengelola di bawah tekanan
    Jujur, teliti, dan sangattermotivasi dan kreatif berpikiran dengan drive yang kuat untuk sukses adalah suatu keharusan
    Dapat melaksanakan penjagaan, pengunaan dan keberadaan inventaris perusahaan.
    Bersedia ditempatkan di areal perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau

Kirimkan CV lengkap anda (pas foto, pengalaman kerja, contoh gambar dan rincian jenis-jenis pekerjaan land clearing yang pernah dilakukan, serta gaji saat ini/gaji yang diharapkan) ke:
email: bossgroup.recruitment@gmail.com
fax ke: 021-29034429
Cantumkan posisi yang dilamar sebagai subjek email.

Jl S Parman
Central Park
APL Tower Lt.7
Jakarta Barat