26 April 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Leighton Contractors Indonesia

PT Leighton Contractors Indonesia is a part of the Leighton Asia, one of Asia’s largest project development and contracting group with annual revenue exceeding US$1 billion. We are seeking high caliber candidates for the following positions based in Indonesia:

HSE Superintendent (INA-12-BTM-00010)
(Batam - Kepulauan Riau)

To communicate, manage & control the implementation of the Company's Safety, Health & Environmental Policies & Procedures with the objective of ensuring all employees perform their duties in a healthy, safe & environmentally responsible manner.

    Bachelor Degree in administration management or mechanical.
    Have 1-2 years experience in administration role.
    Preferably Batam residence

If you possess the skills that we require and are interested in joining us, please go to our website:
www.leightonasia.com > our people > working with us section and submit your resume via our Current Vacancies page.
or by clicking the link below:

24 April 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk

Sebagai salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia, PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk mengundang profesional muda untuk mengembangkan karir dan memiliki kemauan untuk sukses dengan bergabung sebagai :

Account Officer (AO)
(Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Pekanbaru, Tangerang)

    Membantu nasabah untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya
    Menempatkan diri sebagai mitra bisnis dengan nasabah
    Bertangung jawab terhadap target pencapaian nasabah baru
    Mengembangkan Dan mengelola portfolio pinjaman yang sehat

    Pria /Wanita
    Maksimum usia 30 tahun
    Pendidikan minimal D3 (Semua Jurusan)
    IPK minimal : 2,50
    Mampu mengoperasikan komputer terutama MS. Office
    Memiliki SIM C dan kendaraan roda 2
    Mampu berkomunikasi secara baik dan benar
    Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan menyukai tantangan
    Memiliki kepribadian yang baik
    Memiliki relationship yang baik dengan nasabah
    Memilki networking yang luas

Bagi yang berminat harap kirimkan biodatanya / CV lewat email ke :

Dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran / Subject email
(Maaf bagi yang tidak mencantumkan kode lamaran tidak akan kami proses).

Atau kirimkan langsung dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran di sisi pojok kiri atas amplop ke :

PT Sumber Daya Menamas - Prime Resources
Komplek Apartemen Taman Rasuna/ ROP 3 Unit Yo.10-11
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan,
Jakarta Selatan 12960

Lowongan Kerja W&P Talent Consultant

Our client a European Diret sales cosmetics company is seeking a passionate people to fill these below positions:

Area Manager
(Pekanbaru, Riau)

    Sales And Development
    Operation and Finance include P/L
    Communication & Training on ALL company commercial
    Set Goals with Independent Leader
    Be responsible for Service Index

    Min. 5 years Working Experience ( 3 years in managerial Position)
    Sales – teaching – Training
    Higher Education
    Proven Achiever.

Attributes :
    Very Strong analytical skill & numeric Skill
    Strong Interpersonal Skill
    Initiative taker
    Personal Maturity
    Organized and result driven
    Appropriate personal style/representation
    Willingness to travel

Skills :
    Analytical And numeric Skills
    Training & coaching Skills
    Planning Skills
    Computer Literate
    Good English Skill

Please send your CV and salary to jakarta@wnpartnersearch.com

Lowongan Kerja PT Aditya Sarana Graha

A well established distribution company and manufacturing in building material & electrical home appliances, required potential candidate to fill the post of :

(Pekanbaru - Duri - Dumai)

    Usia maks. 27 tahun
    Pendidikan min S1 (semua jurusan)
    Memiliki pengalaman sebagai sales min 2 tahun
    Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi
    Memiliki kendaraan pribadi (motor)
    Berdomisili di Pekanbaru
    Memahami wilayah PEKANBARU
    Ulet dan cekatan
    Bersedia ditempatkan diluar kota (DURI DAN DUMAI)

Please send your CV and latest photo to :

23 April 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Ciputra Indah

Kami salah satu perusahaan properti terbesar di Indonesia sedang mengembangkan proyek di Pekanbaru, membuka kesempatan bagi Anda tenaga-tenaga muda professonal, kreatif, dinamis dan memiliki integritas yang tinggi untuk bergabung bersama kami mengisi posisi:

Sales (SE)
(Pekanbaru - Riau)

Kualifikasi :
    Pendidikan  Min S1semua jurusan
    Bekerja dengan target
    Mengerti MS Office dan internet
    Pengalamanan di bidangnya min 3 thn sbg sales, lebih disukai sales perumahan
    Domisili di Pekanbaru
    Usia Maks 27 Thn

Lamaran dikirim ke HR & Legal Manager PT Ciputra Indah :

Lowongan Kerja PT Divine Eternair Water Indonesia

Purence is the only water  that produce from dew, using Systemized Dew Process (SDP) technology which utilizes humidity in the air and produces natural dew. PURENCE is free from inorganic minerals (e.g. sodium/salt & chloride), heavy metals (e.g. lead & mercury) & pesticide contaminants that are harmful to our health.
With the strong struggle and never give up spirit, the technology that we use won the INNOVATION AWARD at the 2005 AHR Expo in Orlando, Florida, USA.  Currently, we want to educate and develop people around the world, especially in Indonesia to use this water in order to improve their health and quality of life.

For further information, please visit our website at www.purence.com

In order to support our rapid growth, currently we need an energetic, enthusiasm and dynamic professional to join our winning team as :

Medical Representative
(Pekanbaru - Riau)

    Pria/wanita , usia max 27 thn
    Pengalaman sebagai medrep 1-2 thn
    Lulusan S1
    IP minimum 2,8
    Energik, pantang menyerah
    Menguasai lapangan dan customer dengan baik
    Memilliki hubungan yg baik dengan dokter

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap disertai pas foto terakhir ke :
E-mail : fransiscus_y@purence.com

Lowongan Kerja PT Nusatama Properta Panbil

Sebuah Perusahaan Developer yang sedang berkembang pesat, sedang memperluas penetrasi pasar nasional dan internasional, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional seperti bidang yang tercantum dibawah ini dengan penghasilan yang menarik:

Senior Operator Pembangkit Listrik ( code : SOPL )
(Batam - Riau Kepulauan)

    Min SMK Listrik
    Berpengalaman 2 tahun dalam menangani pekerjaan kelistrikan / mesin
    Maks usia 19-25 tahun
    Beedia tinggal di Batam dan sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan

Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan diatas yang akan diinterview

Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran dengan melampirkan daftar riwayat hidup, pas foto berwarna terbaru, foto copy ijazah terakhir, KTP, mencantumkan gaji yang diharapkan dan menuliskan kode lamaran pada sudut kiri amplop.

Lamaran ditunggu 1 minggu setelah iklan ini dan dialamatkan ke : Departemen HRD, PO BOX 3322 atau email ke lowonganbatam@yahoo.co.id

Lowongan Kerja PT Schneider Electric

As a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in energy and infrastructure, industrial processes, building automation, and data centers/networks, as well as a broad presence in residential applications. We are focused on making energy safe, reliable, and efficient through an active commitment to help individuals and organizations “Make the most of their energy”.

To meet the current business challenges, we have opportunities for proficient, efficient and highly motivated individuals to fill the following position in Batam:

Test Engineer
(Batam - Kepulauan Riau)

    Define qualification plan that drives each project to run smoothly after qualification and during mass production.
    Develop SOPs and clear instructions for critical tester processes and maintenance schedules so that the line staff are knowledgeable about its operations and maintenance requirements.
    Ensure a proper traceability system is in place and well maintained for existing and new projects so as to provide trace data as soon as required.
    Assist the maintenance team to identify critical spare parts and ensure their availability so as to have a sustained manufacturing process and timely preventive maintenance regime to be carried out.
    Ensure continual improvement by developing new ideas or improvement plans from feedback about the manufacturing processes.
    Provide technical support to the maintenance team to reduce machine downtime.

    Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Electrical/ Electronics/ Mechatronics/ Mechanical Engineering.
    At least 2 years of relevant experiences, preferably in an Electrical/ Electronic products’ manufacturing environment
    Candidates with good knowledge in electrical control system, electronic circuits, PLC, HMI, VSD, Inverter or PCBA applications will be prioritized.
    Programming abilities with VB, .Net, C++.
    Proven ability to multi-task and drive outcomes.
    Customer service and quality oriented.
    Good written and spoken English.
    Must be willing to be based in Batam.

Suitably qualified candidates are invited to send your detailed resume,
a copy of qualifications and recent photograph within 7 days to: